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goprolytix/Domain Structure of Protein S/1 mg, 100 µg/HCPS-0090
goprolytix/Domain Structure of Protein S/1 mg, 100 µg/HCPS-0090
商品编号: HCPS-0090
市场价: ¥0.00
美元价: 0.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 其他
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

Protein S is a single chain vitamin K-dependent protein which is thought to function in both the coagulation and complement cascades (1,2). Approximately 60% of protein S circulating in plasma is complexed to C4b binding protein (C4BP). It has been suggested that g-carboxyglutamic acid (gla) dependent binding of protein S to negatively charged phospholipids may function to concentrate C4BP at cell surfaces following injury.

In the coagulation system, protein S functions as an anticoagulant cofactor protein. Activated protein C (APC) forms a 1:1 stoichiometric complex with protein S in the presence of Ca2+ and phospholipid vesicles (Kd=6×10-9M) (3). In the presence of protein S, a moderate increase (3-10 fold) in the rate of factor Va and factor VIIIa inactivation by APC is observed in plasma and on the surface of unstimulated platelets. Protein S bound to C4BP does not possess APC cofactor activity. Recently, an additional binding protein which enhances the activity of protein S has been described (4). Proteolytic inactivation of protein S by thrombin has been proposed as a regulatory mechanism in this system. A single cleavage by thrombin abolishes protein S cofactor activity by removing an NH2-terminal peptide (Mr=8000) which contains the gla domain.

The domain structure of protein S is similar to that of the other vitamin K-dependant coagulation factors with the exception that protein S does not possess the catalytic triad. Protein S is a single chain protein containing 10 gla residues in the NH2-terminal domain and 4 epidermal growth factor (EGF) domains.

Human protein S is isolated from fresh frozen plasma by a combination of conventional methods (9) and immunoaffinity chromatography as described by Jenny et al. (5). Purified protein S is supplied in 50% (vol/vol) glycerol/H2O and should be stored at -20°C. Purity is determined by SDS-PAGE analysis.

Prolytix(前身为Haematologic Technologies)于1987年由血栓形成和止血领域的杰出科学家Kenneth Mann博士创立,并迅速成为一家备受推崇的研究试剂公司。凭借在凝血和止血方面的专业知识,我们继续为世界各地的研究实验室提供高纯度的血浆蛋白和抗体。